Transposing variables consists in reversing the « referencial » on which a reflection is based. In our example below, we have a question table which contains situations of beverages (When is the respondent likely to drink?). For each situation, he chooses the corresponding beverages (for example « With a good meal », the respondent will tick « Wine » and « Mineral water »).
But it would be useful not to think in terms of situations, but in terms beverages. We want, for example, to know in which situations people drink especially the wine. For this, we will transpose our variables.
2 Select the variables you wish to transpose (to be compatible, the variables must have the same number of modalities)
3 Choose or insert the new variables (in the beginning or in the end of the questionnaire). Click Finish to quit the assistant. (So many variables will be created as well as the modalities in the table) (in our example, the variables created will be « Wine », « Beer » etc…) and the values of these new variables will correspond to the situations chosen by the respondents related to the beverages (for example « Beer » could have for value « When I spree »).