Sphinx IQ

Add/ Delete observations

To add an observation, from the tab Home, click Add an observation. By default, this adds a line at the end of the table. You only have to enter the values (responses) for any of the variables.

add - delete observations

To delete observations, you have two possibilités. If you wish to delete only one observation, select in the table the line to delete then in the tab Home, click Delete.

If you want to delete a set of observations at once, in the tab Home, click Delete observations. You reach a dialog box where you inform the observations you want to remove.

add - delete observations1

You can :

  • Delete all the observations from your set of data
  • Delete a set of observations n to m (n and m are the numbers of observations which mark out the set to delete)
  • Delete the observations which correspond to a condition to define (for example we delete all the observations such as the variable Gender = Male)
  • Delete all the observations which are not part of the Sub-sample (profile) selected.
  • Delete n observations at random (n being a variable to define)


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