Export the database to Microsoft Office
- In the tab Home, click on the button Export.
You reach a dialog box allowing you to define the data you wish to display in the Excel file which will be generated. It is possible to export only the data displayed in the screen or well-export the set of observations.
- The set of observations : to export all the observations of your dataset.
- The content of the spreadsheet : allows you to export only the variables you have selected in the right lateral explorer (If you had selected a sub-sample, the exported content would take it into account)
- The selected observations : To export the selected observations (lines). The mode of selection is the same except for the Excel selections (click/slide).
- Title of columns : To display the name of the variables to the exported file (columns)
- Numbers of observations : allows to add to the file a column containing the number of each observation.
- Conserve the spotting : allows you to display in the exported file the color of the observations spot (see operating mode Sort, filter and spot the observations for more information)
- See the generated file : opens automatically the Excel file generated.
The file Microsoft Excel generated contains two papers : the first contains the data of the survey you wish to export; the second regroups the information of export : information about the survey (name, creation date, number of observations,...), information about the export (date of export, number of observations exported, sub-sample,...), and a detailed list of the exported variables.