Sphinx IQ


Characterizing allows you to create a certain number of lexical variables which give you information about a chosen text variable. For example, you can know the richness of a response (number of different words), the principal words of the response etc…

  • In the tab Texts, click on the button Characterize.

You reach the following dialog box, allowing you to select the text variable you wish to work on.


You reach the following dialog box, allowing you to select the text variables (s) you wish to work on.


1 Define the words you want to consider for the creation of the variables 

2 Choose the variables to create

3 You can ignore the words tools. Click  points to open the dialog box from which you can load a dictionary of the words tools to ignore and select other options.


Choose on which position you want to display the variables created and click Finish to validate and quit the assistant.


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