Sphinx IQ

Results analysis

The last stage of a survey consists in stripping the responses and preparing the analyses and reports. These analyses allow to identify the general tendencies or the marking facts from produced statistics, and explain the phenomena observed.

The satge Analysis of results proposes four sections : automatic graphical report, customised graphical report, multivariate analysis, textual analysis.

  • The automatic graphical reports automatically generate analyses of your data either in their globality (automatic analysis), or to answer defined cases (measure of satisfaction, analysis of an open question, balance of open questions, characterization of a sample)
  • The Customised graphical reports allow to create reports of analyses entirely configurable and customisable.
  • The multivariate analyses regroup the explicative processings (multiple linear regression, logistics, PLS, analysis of variance), the modelling by structural equations, the classification (hierarchical ascending and k-means) and the methods of synthesis (analysis in principal components, factorial analysis of multiple correspondences)
  • The Textual analyses consist in analyzing the open questions by using automatic proceedings (balance of open questions, analysis of an open question), methodological notes provided by The Sphinx to help you in your demarches.