Sphinx IQ


The banner of the environment Spreadsheet is composed of four tabs (Home, Data, Texts, Display).


Regroups the most frequently used functions concerning the "simple" management of data (add, delete, sort them…).

bandeau 1

  • The group Direct access contains functions allowing to get access to the home panel or other environments.
  • The group Clip-board proposes the functions cut, copy, paste.
  • The group Modification allows to unlock the datatable in order to be able to modify data, or add/delete observations.
  • The group Export offers the possibilty to save the database in an Excel file.
  • The group Edition contains functions allowing to sort, search, replace or delete the data.


Proposes the functions allowing to modify the variables and the database, and to manage the data.

bandeau 2

  • The group Data contains two accesses to visualize the quality of your dataset graphically, or to prepare the data to the stage of analysis (check the spelling, « deduplicate », combine  variables…).
  • The group Modify the variables proposes the functions calculate (create a variable, merge variables…), transform and combine variables. Finally the function advanced calculation allows to create a new variable from a calculation of already existing variable(s).
  • The group Modify the dataset allows to sort the data, spot and delete the duplicates, adjust the data (define  quotas) and improve the quality of the dataset (qualify data).
  • The group Data management proposes to import data, to automatically generate responses, and to compare, merge and et assemble the responses with those of another survey.
  • The group Change the statistic unity allows to change the unit of data analysis, by regrouping, breaking or dividing data.


Proposes a set of functions allowing to visualize and analyze the text variables.

bandeau 3

  • The group Text preparation contains functions allowing to translate text data, to check the spelling, lemmatise them (infinitive, male, singular) and to characterize them (create lexical variables).
  • The group Texts proposes a Verbatim function allowing to choose the text variables we wish to visualize in the working area.


allows to manage the display of different elements of the screen.

bandeau 4

  • The group Presentation allows to modify the display of data in the spreadsheet (increase or decrease the number of lines of the text per cell, present the number of modalities instead of their name…).
  • The group Cells allows to define the height and the width of the table.
  • The group Display proposes to hide/show the sections of the lateral explorer (Sub-samples and Languages).


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