It is sometimes necessary to regroup several observations concerning the same individual. This notion is frequently used during the analysis 360° in the domain of human resources. The principle is the following : a person is evaluated by a certain number of professional competences by his superior and equally by his colleagues. Otherwise, he could himself be brought to self-assessment. This type of study, once deployed in a company, creates a set of observations concerning a group of collaborators judged several times on the same criteria.
From this data base, and for certain analyses, we wish to regorup the evaluations of the same individual to work for example, only on the average he has obtained on each competence, calcuated on the totality of the questionnaires concerning it (his superior, his colleagues). We will move then from the table of evaluations to the table of the people evaluated. For this, we will make a changement of statistic unity by regrouping the observations.
Here is an example of data collected in the framework of a survey "Human Ressources" :
We can see then that MARTIN Paul for example has been evaluated 4 times : by his superior, by 2 collaborators, and by a (pair). We see then 4 lines in the spreadsheet. But we wish to regroup these 4 evaluations in the same one line : never reason on each evaluation, but on the global evaluation of this person (and this is for all the people evaluated in the data base). For this we must set a changement of the statistic unity by regrouping.
Click on the button Regroup in the tab Data. You reach the following dialog box.
In our example, the key variable corresponds to the people evaluated (we want to regorup all the evaluations in one). We have chosen to conserve all the data by merging them. Otherwise, we calculate the average of all the evaluations of each evaluated individual.
Once this stage is informed, clickr Ok to validate your choices. Another survey will be created : this of regrouping. You must save it and it will be automatically opened.
In the survey ‘regrouping’, the following data are shown in the spreadsheet :
We note that we have henceforth only one evaluation (one line in the spreadsheet) for MARTIN Paul for example. The column ‘Evaluator’ lists all the evaluators of this person. It is therefore possible now to take our analyses on each evaluated person (for example starting from the note average that we have calculated).