Translate the survey or import/export a translation
In the framework of a multilingual survey, it is necessary to translate the questionnaire to help send it to multilingual respondents. Before translating the questionnaire, you should mention the different languages to be used when disseminating the survey. For this, in the stage of the creation of the questionnaire, go to the tab Languages, and click . Then define all the languages. Subsequently, you can navigate amid the different languages with the help of the following drop-down menu:
In order to translate the questionnaire automatically, still in the same tab, click . In the window displayed, indicate the source language and the target language with the help of the two drop-down menus meant for that, then validate twice (you find in these menus the languages that you will have defined earlier). The translation is then automatic, and you are redirected to the form in target language. You should proceed the same way for any automatic translation.
If you don't like to use the automatic translation but to translate the survey yourself or to translate it with the help of a translator, you should export the questionnaire to the language of reference (source language). For this, after having defined the different languages to be used, indicate the language of reference by clicking on the button (you will be redirected to the reference language form). Then, still in the tab Languages, click
, choose the languages to export, then validate. If you choose an Excel export, on the first page of the file, you will find one language by column. You have to translate directly in this file by refering to the first column which presents all the sections, questions and modalities in the reference language.
Once the translation is made for each language in Excel, you should import the translation to the software Sphinx iQ. For this, still in the tab Languages, click . In the window displayed indicate the file (Excel) where the translations have been made. Then indicate the languages you wish to import. Therefore you get in the software Sphinx iQ the translations you have done , and you can after editing, disseminate the different versions of the questionnaire to the respondents.