Sphinx IQ

Place the questions automatically

In a form, the questions are placed, by default, one after the other. The function Place allows to manage automatically the placement of objects (questions, tables, images,...) in a form.

Therefore, the automatic positioning allows to place an object by page or restore the placement by default. The latter,the placement For better, allows rapidly to reset the layout of your form as it replaces all the objects one after the other, and delete the set of page breaks. It is a rapid means to restart from zero in the layout of your form.

To use this function, in the banner of the environment Questionnaire, in the tab Forms, click on the button Place, then select the type of placements to apply : For better or One object per page.


Presenting a questionnaire properly

Some questionnaires demand a particular setting, the form obtained automatically during the creation of questions isn't necessarily suitable  and sometimes requires some modifications. It is in fact possible to modify the settings of presentation of the whole form by applying a model, or to modify individually the settings of each question.



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