Sphinx IQ

Create a model of presentation of the form

Creating a model of presentation of the form allows to define the format, the characteristics of the form as well as the styles of objects (options of presentations of questions, fonts and colors). This function allows to have a homogeneous quality of expression all over the form. In addition, the researcher may have to realise several questionnaires for the same customer. The creation of a model of presentation of the form for the first study allows the researcher to automatically apply it later to the newly-created forms. All the questionnaires have therefore the same settings (logo, colors, size of text, etc).

For this, in the tab Forms, click modelcreat. In the dialog box, name this new model then by browsing between the two tabs of the dialog box (Modify the model and Modify styles), proceed to the personalization of the form (characteristics, size and format of the form, addition of logo, options of presentation for the different types of questions, fonts and colours of different objets). After validating, a new form will be added to the list of predefined models. It is  possible at anytime to modify or to delete the created model, and to create new models.



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