Sphinx IQ

Options of publication

How to get access to the assistant :

  • In the tab Internet, click Publish

Before publishing your survey online, you can set different options : define shortcuts, action after saving, notify by email, access code, identification of respondent.

Define the shortcuts

Define shortcuts allows to label each of the forms which will be published on the server SphinxOnLine. The name chosen appears in the URL of the form.

By default, the name of the form used is the shortcut for each of the forms.

Actions after saving

The option Actions after saving allows to define the actions to execute once the respondent has saved his answers :

  • Thank you message : (option activated by default) allows to personalize the thank you message presented after saving data.
  • Confirm save : allows to define the message adressed to the respondent  in order to confirm his saving of the answers, with the possibility to remember him of the answers he enquired.
  • Return another form : allows to orientate the respondent to another form after his participation in a survey.
  • Activate a link : allows to guide the respondent to a site (site of the company, etc.).
  • Display a page : allows to send the respondent to an internet page (*.html, stored in your computer and published with the survey).
  • Execute a script : allows to enter the URL of the script you wish to launch after validating the questionnaire.

From this dialog box, you can also set the text of the capture validation button.

Notify by e-mail

Notify by email allows an automatic sending of the email when the respondent validates the questionnaire. You must specify the sender, the receiver, the object and the content of the message (available publisher of enriched text). You can tick the option Send if to set conditions of sending.

Access code

The option Access code allows to control the access of respondents to your survey. The drop-down menu Data entry proposes different access controls :

  • Survey closed : the survey is published  but it's not possible to fill in the form.
  • Survey opened (by default) : The respondents can get access to the survey and enter their answers.
  • Restricted access : The survey is accessible by password (which you define in this dialog box).

This option also allows to set periods for opening the survey. Just tick Set the opening period, and enter the dates of beginning and ending. It is also possible to control the access to boards and tables.

Identification of respondent

The option Identification of respondent allows to set the "log in" of respondents authorized to connect on the survey online. It is also possible to set the forms to use in case of possible modifications of answers by the respondent.


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