Home panel
It’s the central panel which displays when opening a studies project. It offers four stages allowing, via environments and assistants, to conceive the questionnaire, disseminate the enquiry, manage data or analyze results.
- The Questionnaire Design stage allows to modelize the study via a diagram in order to synthesize its arborescence; to write the questionnaire by listing and setting all the questions that make it up; and finally to conceive the paper or screen form to communicate to recipients. This form may be based on modals either standard or personalized.
- The Dissemination and Data Collection stage allows to publish the survey on internet then to import the collected answers. It allows as well to save those answers collected via paper form or scanner.
- The Data Management stage allows to consult the answers in their spreadsheet (modify, sort out and export if needed). We can set up a data qualification in order to identify the variables lacking documentation or information, distinguish particular observations, and replace the non-answers. This stage also allows to redress the sample, change the statistics unit and calculate the new variables issued from the already existing ones.
- The Results analysis stage allows the analysis of the answers and the preparation of analysis and reports. Customised graphical reports offer the setting of detailed and personalized analysis as well as the preparation of study reports which, after setting, could be exported to Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point…). Automatic graphical reports, the analysis of which are less elaborate, could be set up (evaluation of data quality or identification of tendencies). For thorough analysis, comparisons between samples, parts and variables as well as multi-varied and textual analysis are also possible.