A space composed of a working area, a an horizontal strip and a lateral dial proposing a bunch of different functions according to the tasks that the environment is devoted to.
- The stage Questionnaire design proposes three environments : Modelling my study to shape it into a diagram, Write my questionnaire to write questions and carry out the configurations, Customised forms (customised environment) in order to format the questions and better dispose the multimedia objects.
The first two environments are directly accessible through the home panel whereas the last is available from the environment “Write my questionnaire”.
- The stage Dissemination and data collection proposes two environments : Fast mode to enter the answers manually via an interface capable of optimizing the input time, Form mode to enter the answers manually via an interface similar to the envisioned form.
- The stage Data management proposes a Spreadsheet to consult data, modify them, sort them out…. It is also possible to qualify, redress and prepare data.
- The stage Results analysis proposes four environments: Automatic graphical report for simple analyses, Personnalized graphical report to conceive personalized analyses, Multivariate analysis and Textual analysis for more elaborate and specified analyses.