Republishing the survey
To publish an existing survey online, click Publish my survey, accessible from the section "Internet", in the stage Dissemination and data Collection. You reach the following dialog box :
Indicate the information linked to your account and to your survey :
- Name of the server,
- Name of the survey published,
- Log in and password of the account.
The button « Proxy… » enables you to indicate your Proxy information, link between your network and internet (Host, log in and password). Click « Next » to move to the next stage.
This window automatically detects if your survey has been already published or it is a first set online and presents an adapted choice of publication. In case of the publication of an already-published survey, the following choices are proposed :
- Replace the survey of the server by the local survey : be careful as this option totally overwrites the survey online, all your data (variables of the survey and observations) will be replaced by your local data. You can also tick the option Ignore reponses, in case your survey online will be overwritten by your local survey Without the local observations, the survey online contains therefore 0 observation. By default, if the option is not ticked, your local observations will be published.
- Merge the data of the server and the local data : this option allows to add to your survey online the locally data you have. For example, you have 50 observations online, and 50 locally but different, the 50 local observations will be added to your survey online without overwriting those already present. Your online survey will contain then 100 observations. This option of fusion is useful especially to publish modifications of your survey (Adding a variable in a form for example) without touching to data present online, for this, tick the option Ignore the responses.
Click « Next » and you reach a recapitulating page of choices made.
Finish the publication by clicking on the button « Finish ».
Once your survey republished, you reach this dialog box allowing you to get access to different links relative to your survey (the different forms, the data table containing the observations collected…). You can also get access to your account Sphinx Online, either by clicking on the link your account administrator, or by ticking the option Go to account administrator, your account will be opened in an internet page after clicking OK.